Tuesday, August 31, 2010


The National High School Rodeo Association Junior High Division
is modeled after the National High School Rodeo Association, therefore,
will follow all rules, by- laws, and constitution including the
rules added in the section below. Since the junior high division members
are members of the NHSRA they will adopt and adhere to all
NHSRA rules and by- laws including but not limited to the general
rules for contestants, contestant qualifications, contestant disqualifications,
point systems, animal welfare regulations, equipment, stock
requirements, finals requirements, position draws and stock draws.
All of the previous categories are specifically detailed in the existing
NHSRA Rulebook. If there is not a specific rule pertaining to the junior
high division than it will automatically be referenced to high
school rules.
The following two paragraphs have been changed from the NHSRA
Rulebook. Their parent paragraphs can be found in the NHSRA
Rulebook under “Specification and Rules for Conduct of State and
National Finals: 2. c & d.
National Junior High Finals Rodeos are not to accept any contestant
from a State/Province Junior High Finals Rodeo unless said contestant
has placed 1st, 2nd 3rd OR 4th in the event which he or she
entered at that State/Province Junior High Finals Rodeo or the top
four (4) accumulative point winners in each event which must have
competed at their State/ Province Junior High Finals Rodeo and not
been disqualified from those finals.
A contestant having won, one of the first four positions in any
event, will be eligible to enter that event. Ties for the Fourth Position
will be eligible to enter that event. If, in any case of the top four (4)
qualifying contestants, for the Junior High National Finals Rodeo
cannot compete in an event they qualified in, for “finals”, for any reason,
the fifth (5th), sixth (6th), seventh (7th) or eighth (8th) place
qualifying contestant only, would be an alternate to fill these positions
and may move up and attend the National Junior High Finals
in the event they qualified in, of that year, with certificate of approval
from the National Director.
The following events are to be held at each National Junior High
Finals Rodeo and each State/Provincial Junior High Finals Rodeo and
Junior High qualifying rodeos. One (1) Contestant constitutes an
event. A contestant can enter an event one time at any rodeo. All
events must be offered for all State/Provincial qualifying rodeos.
Junior Bull or Steer Riding.............................................BR
Tie-Down Roping (no breakaway)................................TD
Breakaway Roping (no Tie Down Roping)...................BBK
Goat Tying .....................................................................BGT
Team Roping (open to girls or boys).............................TR
Ribbon Roping (one girl & one boy)..............................RR
Chute Dogging................................................................CD

Clover-Leaf Barrel Race.......................................BA
Pole-Bending Race..............................................PB
Breakaway Roping..............................................GBK
Goat Tying...........................................................GGT
Team Roping (open to girls or boys)..................TR
Ribbon Roping (one girl & one boy)...................RR
Livestock Requirements
Tie Down Roping:
1. Refer to NHSRA Rulebook.
Chute Dogging:
1. Refer to the NHSRA Steer Wrestling Rulebook with the following
a. Fresh steers added to bunch that have not been used must be
bulldogged from the bucking chute and thrown down. It is the
responsibility of steer wrestlers to throw the cattle at a time mutually
agreed upon with the stock contractor.
Junior Bull Riding/Steer Riding:
1. Refer to NHSRA Rulebook with the following change:
a. All horned bulls must have horns tipped to at least the size of a
half dollar and steers must have horns tipped to the size of a dime, cut
back or kept out of the draw. This is the responsibility of the stock contractor
at the discretion of the Arena Director and the judges.
Breakaway Roping:
1. Refer to NHSRA Rulebook.
Goat Tying:
1. Refer to NHSRA Rulebook.
Team Roping:
1. Refer to NHSRA Rulebook.
Ribbon Roping:
1. Refer to NHSRA Tie Down Roping Rulebook.
Timed Event Stock:
1. All timed event stock shall be run through event chute and through
arena previous to start of contest, where conditions permit.
I. Boy’s Events:
A. Tie Down Roping: Refer to NHSRA Rulebook.
B. Breakaway Tie Down Roping: Refer to NHSRA Rulebook.
C. Goat Tying: Refer to NHSRA Rulebook with the following addition:
1. Boys will be required to tie goat with a pigging string.
D. Junior Bull Riding/Steer Riding: Refer to NHSRA Rulebook.
E. Chute Dogging: Refer to NHSRA Steer Wrestling Rulebook with the
following exceptions:
1. Bucking chutes will be used to release steers.
2. Gypsum, baby powder, chalk, etc. will be used to mark start line
in front of bucking chute.
II. Girls Events:
A. Barrel Racing: Refer to NHSRA Rulebook.
B. Pole Bending: Refer to NHSRA Rulebook.
C. Breakaway Roping: Refer to NHSRA Rulebook.
D. Goat Tying: Refer to NHSRA Rulebook.
III. Boy’s and/or Girl’s Event:
A. Dally Team Roping: Refer to NHSRA Rulebook.
IV. Boy and Girl Event:
A. Ribbon Roping: Refer to NHSRA Tie Down Roping Equipment
requirements in NHSRA Rulebook.

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