Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I. Refer to NHSRA Tie Down Roping Rules with the following addition:
1. Under the General Rules subheading add Rule #17 to read:
17. If contestant is entered in the Tie Down Roping he will not be
allowed to enter the breakaway roping.
I. Refer to NHSRA Breakaway Roping Rules with the following addition:
1. Under the General Rules subheading add rule #17 to read:
17. If contestant is entered in the breakaway roping he will not be
allowed to enter the Tie Down Roping.
I. Refer to NHSRA Goat Tying Rules with the following addition:
a. Boys will be required to tie goats with a piggin’ string only.
b. Contestant must string front leg and then cross and tie any three
legs with a piggin’ string. There must be at least one wrap around all
three legs and finished with a half hitch or hooey. A hooey is a half

hitch with a loop, the tail of the string may be partly or all the way
pulled through.
I. Refer to NHSRA Bull Riding Rules.
I. Time Limit:
There will be a thirty (30) second time limit with optional one (1)
minute time limit at state/province rodeos. There will be a mandatory
thirty (30) second time limit at the National Junior High Finals.
II. General Rules:
1. Bucking chute shall be part of the arena during dogging events.
2. Once score line (gypsum line) has been set it will not be changed in
that go.
3. Score line will be parallel to bucking chutes. It will be set at ten (10)
feet in front of bucking chute. The measurement will be made with
chute gate in the closed position.
4. The line (barrier) judge will flag the start when the animals’ nose
crosses the score line.
5. Steer belongs to contestant when he calls for it, regardless of what
happens, with the following exceptions:
a. In any timed event, if animal escapes from the arena, field judge
will drop flag and all watches will be stopped. Contestant will receive
original animal back with a lap and tap start. Time already accumulated
will be added to time used to complete the qualifying run.
b. In cases of mechanical failure.
c. If in the opinion of the line judge contestant is fouled by chute,
contestant shall get his steer back, providing contestant declares himself
by pulling up.
6. Time shall be taken between two flags.
7. It shall be the arena directors’ responsibility to see that contestants
compete on the stock drawn for them. In the event of a mistake, stock
drawn for must be run during that performance and only that time or
score taken.
8. This event shall not be conducted with an open catch pen gate at
any rodeo.
9. All steers shall be turned out in the same direction and the same
chute will be used.
III. Event Rules:
1. A left delivery chute must be used and all chute dogging runs must

be made from the same chute.
2. With steers loaded in bucking chute, dogger gets beside the steer,
right hand in front of or behind right front shoulder. When dogger
calls for the steer the chute gate will be opened. Dogger must keep
right hand in front of or behind shoulder until the steer’s nose crosses
the score line. If dogger moves into throwing position or touches
either horn before steer’s nose crosses score line there will be a ten (10)
second penalty added to time. If steer is thrown before crossing the
score line the dogger will be disqualified.
3. It is the contestant’s responsibility to check for broken horns.
4. There will be a designated helper assigned by the Arena Director.
The helper cannot pass the plane of the chute gate.
5. Contestant is considered working the steer when the steer leaves the
6. If steer gets loose, dogger may take no more than one step to catch
7. After crossing the start line, wrestler must bring it to a stop or
change its direction and twist it down.
8. If steer is accidentally knocked down or thrown before being
brought to a stop or is thrown by wrestler putting animal’s horns into
the ground, it must be let up to all four feet and then thrown.
9. Steer will be considered thrown down only when it is lying flat on
its side, or on its back with all four feet and head straight.
10. Wrestler must have hand on steer when flagged.
11. Contestant is required to turn steer’s head so that he can get up.
12. A steer falling in the opposite direction the steer wrestler is
attempting to throw him (dog fall) the contestant may choose to turn
the steer’s head to correspond with the leg position to make this a
legal fall.
IV. Scoring and Penalties:
1. In order for time to be considered official, barrier flag must operate.
2. Timed event judge will not flag contestant out until time is recorded.
3. Judge is to flag time, then flag contestant out if run is not legal.
4. Contestant will be disqualified for any abusive treatment of steer.
5. Contestant will be disqualified if he attempts in any way to tamper
with steers or chute.
6. Time should be taken with the average of two (2) times at all
7. Dogger will be disqualified if animal is thrown before start line.
8. If steer falls on it’s own before nose crosses line, steer must be let up
and not thrown until steer’s nose crosses line.
9. There will be a 10 second penalty added if dogger moves right arm
to the right horn (throwing position) before start line. This will be
referred to as breaking the barrier.
V. Reruns:
Refer to Steer Wrestling section of NHSRA Rulebook with the following
1. Rule 4: Change rule to read: A steer must be rerun before it is used
by another contestant. Fresh steers may be added to the herd after
they have been released from the bucking chute and thrown down. It
is the responsibility of the steer wrestlers to throw the cattle, at a time
mutually agreed upon with the stock contractor.
2. Exclude rule #7.
VI. Officials:
1. There shall be two or more timers, a field flag judge, and a barrier
2. The fairness of the catch and throw will be left to the judges, and
their decision will be final.
3. Field flagger is required to watch contestant and steer until animal
is turned loose.
4. Barrier judge will stand on the start line on right side of the steer
and flag when the animal’s nose crosses the line indicating the start
of the run.
5. Field flagger will flag when the animal in legally thrown indicating
the end of the run.
VII. Optional Rules:
1. A whistle may be used to signal when the steer has crossed the start
2. The same judge can be used to flag the start and the finish.

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