Tuesday, August 31, 2010


1. No large objects or rocks.
2. No post extending above the top railing.
3. No rough edges on top railing.
4. Solid wall, padded if feasible.
5. Chute gate swing fully opened 180°.
6. End chute 8 feet from fences.
7. Drag arena after poles and barrels.
8. Barrier judge to check the second rope tie on the saddle.
9. Rodeo Judges, Arena Directors and/or National Directors may
inspect any contestant’s equipment before, during or after a rodeo
performance for safety and rule infractions.
1. Contestants required to wear contestant numbers at Contestant
2. Western trousers, western shirts, and footwear are required.
Western boots and hats are optional.
1. Grand entries will be limited to western attire and flags only.
2. Grand entries will be held at a controllable pace and will be monitored
for safety. All contestants should consider and be aware of safety
factors while participating in all grand entries.
3. Designated contestants must participate in all downtown parades
and grand entries.
4. Contestants will not be allowed to ride double or lead another horse
in the grand entry.
5. Contestants will not be allowed to swing ropes, drag ropes or throw
ropes while participating in the grand entry.
6. Flags will be carried appropriately and upright and will not be
allowed to be swung back and forth or held straight out to the side or
front of a horse.
7. No items will be thrown into the crowd from contestants on horseback.
8. Contestants will not be allowed to pass the queen or other designated
lead contestant of the grand entry.
9. Non-mounted contestants will not be allowed to run through the
arena during the grand entry. A designated entrance and staging area
for all non-mounted contestants will be available so these contestants
can participate in the grand entry.
10. Contestants will be disqualified for failure to follow instructions
on grand entries and entering and exiting the arena as allowed under
the “Contestant Disqualification” section of the Rule Book.
The NHSRA retains all rights in and to the filming, taping, radio,
or television broadcasting or reproduction in any manner or form of
any of its approved rodeos or any parts thereof. All proposals for filming
or televising of sanctioned rodeos, including local, cable, or educational
television, must be cleared through the national office thirty
days prior to the first performance of specific rodeo. Legitimate news
coverage exempted. Inquiries should be directed to the NHSRA
National Headquarters.
Adopted January 23, 2000, by the NHSRA Board of Directors
1. Illegal/Inappropriate Signage: No person, animal, tack or equipment
can display any form of signage in the arena during any NHSRA
sanctioned event promoting alcohol, tobacco or any other product or
service which is illegal for a minor to use or be in possession of.
2. Patch Size Restrictions: As the NHSRA’s largest and only exclusive
sponsor, all people, animals, tack and equipment in the arena at any
NHSRA sanctioned event are prohibited from displaying signage promoting
a competitor to Wrangler Jeans and Shirts which is larger
than 1” x 2”.
3. Removable Stickers: Nothing in the arena at any NHSRA sanctioned
event can carry a removable sticker (hat, vest, etc.) promoting
a competitor to Wrangler Jeans and Shirts even if this sticker/patch
falls within the 1”x2” restriction. However, removable stickers representing
competitors to all other non-exclusive NHSRA national sponsors
will be allowed at any NHSRA state and province sanctioned
events only. Only removable stickers of NHSRA national sponsors and
NHSFR sponsors will be allowed in the arena at the NHSFR.
4. Non- sponsor Signage: Anything in the arena at any NHSRA sanctioned
event can carry signage representing companies/associations
that do not fit into any existing NHSRA sponsor category provided it
does not violate paragraph #1 of this patch program.
5. National High School Finals Rodeo: No signage in any form larger
than 1”x2” (or two inches square) will be allowed on anything/anyone
in the arena at the NHSFR that represents a competitor to any NHSRA
national sponsor. Signage of companies/associations who do not
compete with any NHSRA national sponsor, provided it does not violate
paragraph #1 of this patch program, will be allowed on anything
in the arena during the first two go- rounds of NHSFR competition
6. NHSFR Final Performance: Only NHSRA national sponsor’s and
NHSFR sponsor signage larger than two square Inches will be allowed
to be worn during the televised final performance of the NHSFR.
If after a contestant competes it is determined that they did so while
in violation of this approved NHSRA patch program, that contestant
is to receive an explanation of the patch program and a warning.
Disciplinary action for a second offense will be at the discretion of the
respective state/provincial association and/or NHSRA Executive
If it is detected that a contestant is in violation of the NHSRA
approved patch program before they compete, then they must come
into compliance by either removing or covering the signage in question
before being allowed to compete. This could cause you to be disqualified
if you are not ready to compete when called.

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