I. Time Limit:
There will be a thirty (30) second time limit with optional one (1)
minute time limit at state/province rodeos. There will be a mandatory
thirty (30) second time limit at the National High School Finals
The judge will determine legitimate time allowed before contestant
calls for animal.
II. General Rules
1. Contestant may change horses in Tie Down Roping.
2. Roping Box — shall be part of the arena during roping events.
3. Refer to page 120 for Score Line Diagram.
4. Once score line has been set in timed events it will not be changed
in that go, nor can length of box be changed.
5. Lap and Tap — No barrier to be used. If barrier judge is used to flag
the start, he shall flag the animal when animal’s nose crosses the
starting line.
6. The line judge must have a tape measure in his possession in case
the short end of the barrier is carried. The pigtail of the barrier should
not exceed 10 inches in length. A longer pigtail on a barrier will often
be carried when the barrier should have been broken. If the pigtail is
carried more than 10 feet from the pin, the barrier may be waived,
providing the contestant did not obviously beat the barrier. However,
if the contestant has obviously broken the barrier you may still
impose a beating- the-barrier penalty.
7. Should the barrier break at any point other than designated breaking
point, the decision is up to the barrier judge. If contestant obvi64
ously beats the barrier, but the staples are pulled or barrier rope is
broken and string unbroken, barrier judge may assess a ten second
fine. Otherwise, this will not be considered a broken barrier.
8. If automatic barrier does not work but time is recorded, contestant
will get time, but there will be no penalty for broken barrier.
9. If automatic barrier fails to work and official time has not started,
contestant will get stock back if stock is qualified on in the field, entitling
contestant to a rerun without penalties.
10. If automatic barrier fails to work, and stock is brought back, contestant
must take same animal over during or immediately after the
same performance.
11. If barrier equipment hangs on animal and contestant tries the
animal, he accepts animal. If contestant pulls up, he will receive the
same animal back.
12. Calf belongs to contestant when he calls for it, regardless of what
happens, with the following exceptions:
a. In any timed event, if an animal escapes from the arena, the
field judge will drop flag and all watches will be stopped. Contestant
will receive original animal back with a lap-and- tap start. Time
already accumulated will be added to time used to complete the qualifying
run. If time is not recorded, the contestant will receive a 10- second
penalty for any jump or any loop used.
b. In cases of mechanical failure.
c. If in the opinion of the line judge contestant is fouled by barrier,
contestant shall get his calf back, providing contestant declares
himself by pulling up.
13. A contestant must be on his horse and his horse must break the
plane of the barrier with his draw breaking the plane of the score line
before he is allowed to compete.
14. Time to be taken between two flags.
15. It shall be the arena director’s responsibility to see that contestants
compete on the stock drawn for them. In the event of a mistake, stock
drawn for must be run during that performance and only that time or
score taken.
16. This event shall not be conducted with an open catch pen gate at
any rodeo.
III. Event Rules:
1. This event is open to boys only.
2. A neck rope must be used. Contestants must adjust rope and reins
in a manner that will prevent the horse from dragging the calf.
3. Calves may be pushed out by contestant’s assistant providing they
are ready.
4. Two loops will be permitted.
5. If roper intends to use two loops, he must carry two ropes.
6. If second loop falls from saddle or contestants hand before used, it
cannot be rebuilt.
7. At the National High School Finals Rodeo only, a contestant can
carry only one loop in the first two go- rounds.
8. Contestant cannot receive any assistance after crossing starting
9. Contestant must rope calf, dismount, go down the rope and throw
the calf by hand. Must cross and tie at least three legs.
10. Any catch is legal, catch as catch can rule.
11. If calf is down when roper reaches it, calf must be stood on at least
three feet. (Calf must be elevated high enough that it has the opportunity
to regain its feet) and calf must be re- thrown.
12. If roper’s hand is on calf when calf falls, calf is considered thrown
by hand.
13. Rope must hold calf until roper gets hand on calf.
14. To qualify as a legal tie, there shall be at least one complete wrap
around at least three legs, and a half hitch or hooey (A hooey is a half
hitch with a loop, the tail of the string may be partly or all the way
pulled through).
15. The tie must hold six (6) seconds, and three legs must remain
crossed until passed on by the judge.
16. Six second time will start when roper has remounted and his horse
has taken one step forward.
17. If roper’s rope comes off calf as roper starts to work with tie, the six
(6) second time will start when roper clears the calf.
18. Rope will not be removed and rope must remain slack until field
judge has passed on tie.
19. In case the field judge flags out a roper that still legally has one or
more loops coming, the judge may give the same calf back, lap and
tap, plus time already lapsed and any barrier penalties. If time was
not recorded, the contestant will receive a 10- second penalty for any
loop used. Contestant to only get to use remaining loop.
IV. Scoring and Penalties:
1. In order for time to be considered official, barrier flag must operate.
2. Timed event judge will not flag contestant out until time is recorded.
3. Judge is to flag time, then flag contestant out if run is not legal.
4. There will be a ten- second penalty assessed for breaking the barrier.
5. Roping calf without releasing loop from hand will disqualify catch.
6. Contestant will be disqualified for any abusive treatment of calf or
his horse.
7. Any intentional dragging of calf regardless of distance will result in
a no time. Intentional dragging shall be defined as caused by contest66
ant. Excessive dragging of calf will receive a no time. Excessive dragging
shall be defined as moving the calf six or more feet after the contestant
has called for time. However, if in the opinion of the judge, the
dragging was caused by something outside of the control of the contestant,
the judge may give the contestant his time. Dragging the calf
while the contestant is tying the calf will not be considered excessive
8. Roper will be flagged no time for touching calf, or string or by
touching rope to train his horse after giving finish signal, or by dragging
calf after he remounts horse.
9. If any part of the pusher breaks the plain of the chute gate before the
calf releases the barrier, the contestant receives a no time.
10. No rattling of chute. A timed event contestant may not have someone
rattle the chute for him. This applies in both the performance and
the slack. The contestant and/or person rattling the chute shall be disqualified.
11. Time should be taken with the average of two (2) times at all
V. Reruns:
1. In any timed event if animal escapes from the arena, flag will be
dropped and watches stopped. Contestant will get animal back with
lap and tap start, and time already spent will be added to time used
in qualifying plus barrier penalties, if any.
2. If rope is on animal, contestant will get animal lap and tap with
rope on it in chute.
3. No rerun will be given due to faulty or broken equipment furnished
by contestant.
4. If the judge sees he has made an error in flagging, he must declare
a rerun before the contestant leaves the arena.
5. A calf must be rerun before it is used by another contestant.
6. When both the digital clocks malfunction and no time was recorded
from digital watches, if stock was qualified on in the field, contestant
will be given a rerun at a time designated by the Judges and the
Arena Director, plus any barrier penalties. If barrier penalties, then
lap and tap start.
7. If there must be a rerun of calves to complete a go- round, all calves
must be tied down before any stock is drawn.
8. In Tie Down Roping, if an animal fails to break the neck rope and
time is officially started by the contestant, that animal belongs to the
contestant. However, if time is started by the animal and the calf
roper remains behind the plain of the barrier for approximately 10
seconds that animal should be considered a sulking animal and
replaced using the misdraw procedure.
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