Tuesday, August 31, 2010


1. No large objects or rocks.
2. No post extending above the top railing.
3. No rough edges on top railing.
4. Solid wall, padded if feasible.
5. Chute gate swing fully opened 180°.
6. End chute 8 feet from fences.
7. Drag arena after poles and barrels.
8. Barrier judge to check the second rope tie on the saddle.
9. Rodeo Judges, Arena Directors and/or National Directors may
inspect any contestant’s equipment before, during or after a rodeo
performance for safety and rule infractions.
1. Contestants required to wear contestant numbers at Contestant
2. Western trousers, western shirts, and footwear are required.
Western boots and hats are optional.
1. Grand entries will be limited to western attire and flags only.
2. Grand entries will be held at a controllable pace and will be monitored
for safety. All contestants should consider and be aware of safety
factors while participating in all grand entries.
3. Designated contestants must participate in all downtown parades
and grand entries.
4. Contestants will not be allowed to ride double or lead another horse
in the grand entry.
5. Contestants will not be allowed to swing ropes, drag ropes or throw
ropes while participating in the grand entry.
6. Flags will be carried appropriately and upright and will not be
allowed to be swung back and forth or held straight out to the side or
front of a horse.
7. No items will be thrown into the crowd from contestants on horseback.
8. Contestants will not be allowed to pass the queen or other designated
lead contestant of the grand entry.
9. Non-mounted contestants will not be allowed to run through the
arena during the grand entry. A designated entrance and staging area
for all non-mounted contestants will be available so these contestants
can participate in the grand entry.
10. Contestants will be disqualified for failure to follow instructions
on grand entries and entering and exiting the arena as allowed under
the “Contestant Disqualification” section of the Rule Book.
The NHSRA retains all rights in and to the filming, taping, radio,
or television broadcasting or reproduction in any manner or form of
any of its approved rodeos or any parts thereof. All proposals for filming
or televising of sanctioned rodeos, including local, cable, or educational
television, must be cleared through the national office thirty
days prior to the first performance of specific rodeo. Legitimate news
coverage exempted. Inquiries should be directed to the NHSRA
National Headquarters.
Adopted January 23, 2000, by the NHSRA Board of Directors
1. Illegal/Inappropriate Signage: No person, animal, tack or equipment
can display any form of signage in the arena during any NHSRA
sanctioned event promoting alcohol, tobacco or any other product or
service which is illegal for a minor to use or be in possession of.
2. Patch Size Restrictions: As the NHSRA’s largest and only exclusive
sponsor, all people, animals, tack and equipment in the arena at any
NHSRA sanctioned event are prohibited from displaying signage promoting
a competitor to Wrangler Jeans and Shirts which is larger
than 1” x 2”.
3. Removable Stickers: Nothing in the arena at any NHSRA sanctioned
event can carry a removable sticker (hat, vest, etc.) promoting
a competitor to Wrangler Jeans and Shirts even if this sticker/patch
falls within the 1”x2” restriction. However, removable stickers representing
competitors to all other non-exclusive NHSRA national sponsors
will be allowed at any NHSRA state and province sanctioned
events only. Only removable stickers of NHSRA national sponsors and
NHSFR sponsors will be allowed in the arena at the NHSFR.
4. Non- sponsor Signage: Anything in the arena at any NHSRA sanctioned
event can carry signage representing companies/associations
that do not fit into any existing NHSRA sponsor category provided it
does not violate paragraph #1 of this patch program.
5. National High School Finals Rodeo: No signage in any form larger
than 1”x2” (or two inches square) will be allowed on anything/anyone
in the arena at the NHSFR that represents a competitor to any NHSRA
national sponsor. Signage of companies/associations who do not
compete with any NHSRA national sponsor, provided it does not violate
paragraph #1 of this patch program, will be allowed on anything
in the arena during the first two go- rounds of NHSFR competition
6. NHSFR Final Performance: Only NHSRA national sponsor’s and
NHSFR sponsor signage larger than two square Inches will be allowed
to be worn during the televised final performance of the NHSFR.
If after a contestant competes it is determined that they did so while
in violation of this approved NHSRA patch program, that contestant
is to receive an explanation of the patch program and a warning.
Disciplinary action for a second offense will be at the discretion of the
respective state/provincial association and/or NHSRA Executive
If it is detected that a contestant is in violation of the NHSRA
approved patch program before they compete, then they must come
into compliance by either removing or covering the signage in question
before being allowed to compete. This could cause you to be disqualified
if you are not ready to compete when called.


I. Refer to the NHSRA Clover- leaf Barrel Racing Rules.
I. Refer to the NHSRA Pole Bending Race Rules.
I. Refer to NHSRA Breakaway Roping Rules.
I. Refer to NHSRA Goat Tying Rules.
I. Refer to NHSRA Dally Team Roping Rules.
I. Time Limit:
There will be thirty (30) second time limit with a one minute time
limit option at state/provincial finals rodeos. There will be a one (1)
loop limit in all go- rounds at all rodeos.
II. General Rules:
1. The point system in the ribbon roping will follow the same criteria
as the team roping.
2. This is a mixed event only, one boy and one girl. Either can be the
roper or runner.
3. Roping Box shall be part of the arena during the roping events.
4. Once score line has been set in timed events it will not be changed
in that go nor, can the length of the box.
5. Lap and Tap- No barrier to be used. If barrier judge is used to flag
the start, he shall flag the animal when animal’s nose crosses the
starting line.
6. It is always the decision of the barrier judge whether the barrier is
7. Should the barrier break at any point other than designated breaking
point, the decision is up to the barrier judge. If contestant obviously
beats the barrier, but the staples are pulled or barrier rope is
broken and string unbroken, barrier judge may assess a ten second
fine. Otherwise, this will be considered a broken barrier.
8. If automatic barrier does not work but time is recorded, contestant
will get time, but there will be no penalty for broken barrier.
9. If automatic barrier fails to work and official time has not started,
contestant will get stock back if stock qualified on in the field, entitling
contestant to a rerun without penalties.
10. If automatic barrier fails to work, and stock is brought back, contestant
must take same animal over during or immediately after the
same performance.
11. If barrier equipment hangs on animal and contestant tries the
animal, he/she accepts the animal. If contestant pulls up, he/she will
receive the same animal back.
12. Calf belongs to contestant when he calls for it, regardless of what
happens, with the following exceptions:
a. In any timed event, if an animal escapes from the arena, the field
judge will drop flag and all watches will be stopped. Contestant will
receive original animal back with the lap-and- tap start. Time already
accumulated will be added to time used to complete the qualifying
b. In cases of mechanical failure.
c. If in the opinion of the line judge contestant is fouled by barrier,
contestant shall get his calf back, providing contestant declares himself/
herself by pulling up.
13. In the ribbon roping a horse must clear the box before a loop is
14. The finish line will be marked 30 feet in front of the roping box.
Flag judge stands on this line.
15. Time to be taken between two flags.
16. It shall be the arena director’s responsibility to see that contestants
compete on the stock drawn for them. In the event of a mistake, stock
drawn for must be run during that performance and only that time or
score taken.
17. This event shall not be conducted with an open catch pen gate at
any rodeo.
III. Event Rules:
1. A neck rope must be used. Contestants must adjust rope and reins
in a manner that will prevent the horse from dragging the calf.
2. Calves may be pushed out by contestant’s assistant providing they
are ready.
3. Catch as catch can. Any catch that holds the calf is legal.
4. Rope must be tied on.
5. Runner can stand anywhere they choose in the arena.
6. Roper must rope calf, dismount and be in contact with the calf
when the Runner removes the ribbon or team will receive a no time.
Calf does not need to be flanked.
7. Runner must cross finish line to get time.
8. Flag judge will flag time when runner crosses finish line with ribbon
in hand and give to judge or team will receive a no time.
9. Ribbon – flagging tape shall be approximately ½ inch in width and
12 inches long.
10. The ribbon itself must be fastened to the top of the tail with a rubber
11. The runner removes the ribbon and runs across the finish line in
either direction for time.
12. Ribbon must be removed by runner.
13. Any part of the ribbon is legal.
14. Rope must hold calf until roper touches calf.
IV. Scoring and Penalties:
1. In order for time to be considered official, barrier flag must operate.
2. Timed event judge will not flag contestant out until time is recorded.
3. Judge is to flag time, then flag contestant out if run is not legal.
4. There will be a ten- second penalty assessed for breaking the barrier.
5. Roping calf without releasing loop from hand will disqualify catch.
6. Contestant will be disqualified for any abusive treatment of calf or
his horse.
7. If any part of the pusher breaks the plain of the chute gate before the
calf releases the barrier, the contestant receives a no time.
8. No rattling of chute. A timed event contestant may not have someone
rattle the chute for him/her. This applies in both the performance
and the slack. The contestant and/or person rattling the chute shall be
9. Time should be taken with the average of two (2) times at all
V. Reruns:
1. In any timed event if animal escapes from the arena, flag will be
dropped and watches stopped. Contestant will get animal back with
the lap and tap start, and time already spent will be added to time
used in qualifying plus barrier penalties, if any.
2. If rope is on animal, contestant will get animal lap and tap with
rope on in the chute.
3. No rerun will be given due to faulty or broken equipment furnished
by the contestant.
4. If the judge sees he has made an error in flagging, he must declare
a rerun before the contestant leaves the arena.
5. A calf must be rerun before it is used by another contestant.
6. When both the digital clocks malfunction and no time was recorded
from digital watches, if stock was qualified on in the field, contestant
will be given a rerun at a time designated by the Judges and the
Arena Director, plus any barrier penalties. If barrier penalties, then
lap and tap start.
7. In ribbon roping, if an animal fails to break the neck rope and time
is officially started by the contestant, that animal belongs to the contestant.
However, if time is started by the animal and the roper
remains behind the plain of the barrier for approximately 10 seconds
that animal should be considered a sulking animal and replaced
using the misdraw procedure.
8. If the roper has legally roped the calf and there is no ribbon on the
calf when the runner reaches the calf the team will get a rerun.
VI. Officials:
1. There shall be two or more timers, a field flag judge, and a barrier
2. Barrier judge is responsible to change barrier string whenever it
may have been weakened, or on request of the next contestant.
3. Barrier judge shall keep a record of the length of the barrier trip
rope each performance to assure the same start for contestants each
4. Barrier equipment must be inspected by the judge before each
timed event. If equipment is faulty, it must be replaced.
5. Barrier judge shall be sure that nobody can stand close enough to
barrier or barrier equipment to tamper with same.
6. Height of barrier in timed events shall be from 32” to 36” measured
at the center of the box.
VII. Optional Rules:
1. Electric timers are optional at State/Province level.


I. Refer to NHSRA Tie Down Roping Rules with the following addition:
1. Under the General Rules subheading add Rule #17 to read:
17. If contestant is entered in the Tie Down Roping he will not be
allowed to enter the breakaway roping.
I. Refer to NHSRA Breakaway Roping Rules with the following addition:
1. Under the General Rules subheading add rule #17 to read:
17. If contestant is entered in the breakaway roping he will not be
allowed to enter the Tie Down Roping.
I. Refer to NHSRA Goat Tying Rules with the following addition:
a. Boys will be required to tie goats with a piggin’ string only.
b. Contestant must string front leg and then cross and tie any three
legs with a piggin’ string. There must be at least one wrap around all
three legs and finished with a half hitch or hooey. A hooey is a half

hitch with a loop, the tail of the string may be partly or all the way
pulled through.
I. Refer to NHSRA Bull Riding Rules.
I. Time Limit:
There will be a thirty (30) second time limit with optional one (1)
minute time limit at state/province rodeos. There will be a mandatory
thirty (30) second time limit at the National Junior High Finals.
II. General Rules:
1. Bucking chute shall be part of the arena during dogging events.
2. Once score line (gypsum line) has been set it will not be changed in
that go.
3. Score line will be parallel to bucking chutes. It will be set at ten (10)
feet in front of bucking chute. The measurement will be made with
chute gate in the closed position.
4. The line (barrier) judge will flag the start when the animals’ nose
crosses the score line.
5. Steer belongs to contestant when he calls for it, regardless of what
happens, with the following exceptions:
a. In any timed event, if animal escapes from the arena, field judge
will drop flag and all watches will be stopped. Contestant will receive
original animal back with a lap and tap start. Time already accumulated
will be added to time used to complete the qualifying run.
b. In cases of mechanical failure.
c. If in the opinion of the line judge contestant is fouled by chute,
contestant shall get his steer back, providing contestant declares himself
by pulling up.
6. Time shall be taken between two flags.
7. It shall be the arena directors’ responsibility to see that contestants
compete on the stock drawn for them. In the event of a mistake, stock
drawn for must be run during that performance and only that time or
score taken.
8. This event shall not be conducted with an open catch pen gate at
any rodeo.
9. All steers shall be turned out in the same direction and the same
chute will be used.
III. Event Rules:
1. A left delivery chute must be used and all chute dogging runs must

be made from the same chute.
2. With steers loaded in bucking chute, dogger gets beside the steer,
right hand in front of or behind right front shoulder. When dogger
calls for the steer the chute gate will be opened. Dogger must keep
right hand in front of or behind shoulder until the steer’s nose crosses
the score line. If dogger moves into throwing position or touches
either horn before steer’s nose crosses score line there will be a ten (10)
second penalty added to time. If steer is thrown before crossing the
score line the dogger will be disqualified.
3. It is the contestant’s responsibility to check for broken horns.
4. There will be a designated helper assigned by the Arena Director.
The helper cannot pass the plane of the chute gate.
5. Contestant is considered working the steer when the steer leaves the
6. If steer gets loose, dogger may take no more than one step to catch
7. After crossing the start line, wrestler must bring it to a stop or
change its direction and twist it down.
8. If steer is accidentally knocked down or thrown before being
brought to a stop or is thrown by wrestler putting animal’s horns into
the ground, it must be let up to all four feet and then thrown.
9. Steer will be considered thrown down only when it is lying flat on
its side, or on its back with all four feet and head straight.
10. Wrestler must have hand on steer when flagged.
11. Contestant is required to turn steer’s head so that he can get up.
12. A steer falling in the opposite direction the steer wrestler is
attempting to throw him (dog fall) the contestant may choose to turn
the steer’s head to correspond with the leg position to make this a
legal fall.
IV. Scoring and Penalties:
1. In order for time to be considered official, barrier flag must operate.
2. Timed event judge will not flag contestant out until time is recorded.
3. Judge is to flag time, then flag contestant out if run is not legal.
4. Contestant will be disqualified for any abusive treatment of steer.
5. Contestant will be disqualified if he attempts in any way to tamper
with steers or chute.
6. Time should be taken with the average of two (2) times at all
7. Dogger will be disqualified if animal is thrown before start line.
8. If steer falls on it’s own before nose crosses line, steer must be let up
and not thrown until steer’s nose crosses line.
9. There will be a 10 second penalty added if dogger moves right arm
to the right horn (throwing position) before start line. This will be
referred to as breaking the barrier.
V. Reruns:
Refer to Steer Wrestling section of NHSRA Rulebook with the following
1. Rule 4: Change rule to read: A steer must be rerun before it is used
by another contestant. Fresh steers may be added to the herd after
they have been released from the bucking chute and thrown down. It
is the responsibility of the steer wrestlers to throw the cattle, at a time
mutually agreed upon with the stock contractor.
2. Exclude rule #7.
VI. Officials:
1. There shall be two or more timers, a field flag judge, and a barrier
2. The fairness of the catch and throw will be left to the judges, and
their decision will be final.
3. Field flagger is required to watch contestant and steer until animal
is turned loose.
4. Barrier judge will stand on the start line on right side of the steer
and flag when the animal’s nose crosses the line indicating the start
of the run.
5. Field flagger will flag when the animal in legally thrown indicating
the end of the run.
VII. Optional Rules:
1. A whistle may be used to signal when the steer has crossed the start
2. The same judge can be used to flag the start and the finish.


The National High School Rodeo Association Junior High Division
is modeled after the National High School Rodeo Association, therefore,
will follow all rules, by- laws, and constitution including the
rules added in the section below. Since the junior high division members
are members of the NHSRA they will adopt and adhere to all
NHSRA rules and by- laws including but not limited to the general
rules for contestants, contestant qualifications, contestant disqualifications,
point systems, animal welfare regulations, equipment, stock
requirements, finals requirements, position draws and stock draws.
All of the previous categories are specifically detailed in the existing
NHSRA Rulebook. If there is not a specific rule pertaining to the junior
high division than it will automatically be referenced to high
school rules.
The following two paragraphs have been changed from the NHSRA
Rulebook. Their parent paragraphs can be found in the NHSRA
Rulebook under “Specification and Rules for Conduct of State and
National Finals: 2. c & d.
National Junior High Finals Rodeos are not to accept any contestant
from a State/Province Junior High Finals Rodeo unless said contestant
has placed 1st, 2nd 3rd OR 4th in the event which he or she
entered at that State/Province Junior High Finals Rodeo or the top
four (4) accumulative point winners in each event which must have
competed at their State/ Province Junior High Finals Rodeo and not
been disqualified from those finals.
A contestant having won, one of the first four positions in any
event, will be eligible to enter that event. Ties for the Fourth Position
will be eligible to enter that event. If, in any case of the top four (4)
qualifying contestants, for the Junior High National Finals Rodeo
cannot compete in an event they qualified in, for “finals”, for any reason,
the fifth (5th), sixth (6th), seventh (7th) or eighth (8th) place
qualifying contestant only, would be an alternate to fill these positions
and may move up and attend the National Junior High Finals
in the event they qualified in, of that year, with certificate of approval
from the National Director.
The following events are to be held at each National Junior High
Finals Rodeo and each State/Provincial Junior High Finals Rodeo and
Junior High qualifying rodeos. One (1) Contestant constitutes an
event. A contestant can enter an event one time at any rodeo. All
events must be offered for all State/Provincial qualifying rodeos.
Junior Bull or Steer Riding.............................................BR
Tie-Down Roping (no breakaway)................................TD
Breakaway Roping (no Tie Down Roping)...................BBK
Goat Tying .....................................................................BGT
Team Roping (open to girls or boys).............................TR
Ribbon Roping (one girl & one boy)..............................RR
Chute Dogging................................................................CD

Clover-Leaf Barrel Race.......................................BA
Pole-Bending Race..............................................PB
Breakaway Roping..............................................GBK
Goat Tying...........................................................GGT
Team Roping (open to girls or boys)..................TR
Ribbon Roping (one girl & one boy)...................RR
Livestock Requirements
Tie Down Roping:
1. Refer to NHSRA Rulebook.
Chute Dogging:
1. Refer to the NHSRA Steer Wrestling Rulebook with the following
a. Fresh steers added to bunch that have not been used must be
bulldogged from the bucking chute and thrown down. It is the
responsibility of steer wrestlers to throw the cattle at a time mutually
agreed upon with the stock contractor.
Junior Bull Riding/Steer Riding:
1. Refer to NHSRA Rulebook with the following change:
a. All horned bulls must have horns tipped to at least the size of a
half dollar and steers must have horns tipped to the size of a dime, cut
back or kept out of the draw. This is the responsibility of the stock contractor
at the discretion of the Arena Director and the judges.
Breakaway Roping:
1. Refer to NHSRA Rulebook.
Goat Tying:
1. Refer to NHSRA Rulebook.
Team Roping:
1. Refer to NHSRA Rulebook.
Ribbon Roping:
1. Refer to NHSRA Tie Down Roping Rulebook.
Timed Event Stock:
1. All timed event stock shall be run through event chute and through
arena previous to start of contest, where conditions permit.
I. Boy’s Events:
A. Tie Down Roping: Refer to NHSRA Rulebook.
B. Breakaway Tie Down Roping: Refer to NHSRA Rulebook.
C. Goat Tying: Refer to NHSRA Rulebook with the following addition:
1. Boys will be required to tie goat with a pigging string.
D. Junior Bull Riding/Steer Riding: Refer to NHSRA Rulebook.
E. Chute Dogging: Refer to NHSRA Steer Wrestling Rulebook with the
following exceptions:
1. Bucking chutes will be used to release steers.
2. Gypsum, baby powder, chalk, etc. will be used to mark start line
in front of bucking chute.
II. Girls Events:
A. Barrel Racing: Refer to NHSRA Rulebook.
B. Pole Bending: Refer to NHSRA Rulebook.
C. Breakaway Roping: Refer to NHSRA Rulebook.
D. Goat Tying: Refer to NHSRA Rulebook.
III. Boy’s and/or Girl’s Event:
A. Dally Team Roping: Refer to NHSRA Rulebook.
IV. Boy and Girl Event:
A. Ribbon Roping: Refer to NHSRA Tie Down Roping Equipment
requirements in NHSRA Rulebook.


1. Qualifications:
a. This event is open to girls only.
b. The State/Province contest shall be the qualifying event for the girl
who is to represent that State/Province at the National Queen Contest
event. Any girl accepting the queen’s position and awards must represent
her state/province at the National High School Finals Rodeo. In
the event she chooses not to represent her state/province at the national
queen contest, the state/province holds the authority on whether or
not she will relinquish title, awards and prizes to the next qualified
contestant. The exception to this rule is outlined in Paragraph 7 d,
(OPTIONAL) State/Provinces may conduct part(s) of their Queen
Contest in advance of their State/Province Finals Rodeo. Final qualification,
however, would come from the State/Province Finals. If
State/Province conducts part(s) of their Queen Contest in advance of
their State/Province Finals Rodeo, those part(s) cannot be held any
earlier than the entry deadline for all events for the State/Province
Finals Rodeo.
c. Any reigning district/region queen who competes in the
state/province queen contest and wins the title of state/province queen
retains her district/region title and position for the remainder of the
year and until the next district/region queen contest as long as she
meets all other requirements for membership and qualification and
remains in good standing. Any reigning state/province queen who
competes in the national queen contest and wins the title of National
High School Rodeo Queen retains her state/province title and position
for the remainder of the year and until the next state/province queen
contest as long as she meets all other requirements for membership
and qualification and remains in good standing.
d. Any reigning high school rodeo queen at any level who also
holds a higher- ranking high school rodeo queen title will wear the

title, crown and banner of the highest- ranking queen position when
making official appearances on behalf of high school rodeo.
e. Queen contestants will not be allowed to pick up an event, if
they didn’t qualify in an event at their State/ Province Finals.
f. In order for a contestant to enter any events, she must have qualified
for these events at her State/ Province level.
g. Girls who have just completed their senior year in high school
shall not be eligible for competition in the State/Province for National
Queen’s Contest.
h. Contestants entering the Queen’s Contest must not be or have
been married and/or pregnant.
i. If current State/Province or National Queen is qualified to run
for queen during her reign; and decides to do so, she may not wear
current crown or banner during actual competition.
2. Judging:
a. All Judges will meet at a time and place designated by Queen
Chairperson and Coordinator before actual judging takes place.
b. Five (5) judges and one (1) alternate will judge entire contest.
The alternate judge’s score will be used only to break ties between
first, second, third and fourth place regarding the Queen Contest total
points. The High and Low Score of the five judges in each of the categories
will be thrown out and the other three scores added together to
obtain total score.
c. Categories to be judged and points to be used are as follows:
(1) Modeling 1- 25 points
(2) Personality 1- 25 points
(3) Appearance 1- 25 points
(4) Personal Interview 1- 50 points. No questions on sex or religion
will be asked. Written questions will be reviewed by chairperson
and coordinator.
(5) Prepared Speech 1- 50 points. Two-minute talk, subject or
subjects to be selected by chairperson and coordinator. To be mailed
by May 1 of each year. Props of any kind may not be used during the
prepared speech.
(6) Impromptu Speech 1-25 points. Contestant will be given a
question or subject to respond to.
(7) Test 1- 25 points. 50 questions to be taken from the current
rule book. 17 true/false, 17 multiple choice, and 16 fill ins. Each question
is worth 1/2 (.50) points. These scores to go directly to the master
score sheet.
(8) Horsemanship 1- 50 points. Each contestant will be judged
twice for horsemanship. Each time judged will be worth 25 points.
Contestant will receive a zero (0) from each judge for falling off or
being bucked off the horse during the horsemanship pattern.

States/Provinces holding multiple queen contests have the option of
choosing from three approved reining patterns at the qualifying
rodeos. Only approved patterns by the National Queen Committee
will be used at State/Province Finals and National Finals. No two
girls may ride the same horse in this event.
d. Total possible points per contestant is 250 per judge, plus 25 for
e. Positions for competition will be drawn for. In horsemanship,
contestants will reverse order in second judging.
f. Queen contest judging is open to the public, with the exception
of test and personal interview.
3. Attire:
a. Contestants will wear jeans and western blouses or shirts (no
jackets and/or vests are allowed) at all judged events except the speech
and modeling competition and horsemanship, where specific attire is
outlined below.
b. Speech and modeling competition - At the speech and modeling
portion of the contest, contestants have the option of suits, dresses,
skirts, blouses, dress pants, colored jeans and shirts.
c. No dresses or skirts during crowning ceremony.
d. Horsemanship - Wrangler 5-pocket blue jeans with a plain
white cotton blouse or shirt (no ruffles, accessories or tuxedo shirts).
e. All blouses, dresses and shirts worn in the Queen Contest must
have long sleeves extending to the wrist and collar. A collar is to be
raised at least one (1) inch on the neck. It can be a mock style collar
which raises straight up on the neck or lapel style collar that folds
down on the shirt or dress.
f. Long sleeves, crown, banners, hat and numbers are required at
all times (exception swimming party, etc., and other rodeo events).
Button number may be used during modeling introductions,
impromptu question, speech, and personal interview and coronation
portions of contest.
g. Regular blue jeans may be worn during feeding or leisure time.
h. Any contestant dressed for any Queen function in attire other
than what is called for in that specific category, will be penalized five
(5) points from each Judge.
4. Disqualification:
a. Any contestant who is not present and ready to compete at all
scheduled and posted times of all events for the Queen Contest will be
disqualified (with the exception of a doctor’s release). Questionable
situations will be determined by the judges and Executive Committee.
b. Depending on the severity of the disqualification, the Executive
Committee may allow a Queen Contestant to lead her association
during the grand entry only.

c. Any reigning National, State/Province, Region/District or Club
Queen must relinquish crown and title for the following reasons:
1. Pregnancy during reign.
2. Marriage during reign.
3. Conduct, which would subject her to Disciplinary Action under the
Rules, By-Laws or Constitution of the Association.
d. Contestants will be automatically disqualified for the wearing
of Spandex pants at any time. Note: Spandex is a stretch type of clothing
with similarities to swim wear and is not felt by committee to be
5. Scoring:
a. Judges in all categories will sign score sheet, put in signed and
sealed envelope (furnished by Queen Chairperson) and return to
Queen Chairperson immediately following each category. (See Page
123 for sample score sheet)
b. During the first portion of the pageant where contestants are
doing their self- introductions, contestants must follow instructions
given pertaining to the introduction guidelines. Failure to do so will
result in a 10 point deduction from their total score.
c. An accountant and the Queen Coordinator shall audit the total
d. All scores shall be signed and posted immediately following
announcement of the Queen.
e. No points toward the All-Around shall be allowed from the
Queen Contest.
6. Awards:
a. Four (4) buckles will be awarded at Nationals. Optional:
Attendant buckles at State/Province level.
(1) Queen
(2) First Attendant
(3) Second Attendant
(4) Third Attendant
b. Miss Congeniality will be selected by the Queen Contestants at
place and time designated by the Queen Coordinator/Chairperson.
7. Specifics:
a. No gifts shall be given by any Queen Contestant to another
Queen Contestant until all judging is over.
b. Any complaints about Queen’s Contest are to be referred in
writing to National Queen Coordinator/ Chairperson.
c. Queen Contestant shall be required to provide their own housing
during Finals Competition. No special housing shall be required
by the Queen’s Committee.
d. In the event the Reigning State/Province Queen cannot attend
National competition, due to sickness or injury, and has a doctor’s

release and certification from her National Director, then the First
Runner-Up to the Queen shall assume the capacity of her
State/Province Queen at the National Finals in the Queen Contest.
8. The following rules are for National High School Finals Rodeo only:
a. Banners must be worn at all times, except in arena event competition.
A white banner with black lettering for each state/province
queen will be provided at the state’s/province’s expense. This banner
is to be the only banner worn by all queen contestants during the
National High School Finals Rodeo and National Queen Contest.
b. On the National level, points shall be awarded toward Team
Standings to Top 20 Places. 200 pts. for Queen; 190 pts. 1st Runnerup;
180 pts. 2nd Runner-up; 170 pts. 3rd Runner-up and etc.
c. New Queen shall be provided expense money by NHSRA.
Expense money shall be for travel, food, and lodging. This money
shall be provided for trips at the discretion of the National Queen
Committee and approved by the National Board.
d. Queen contestants will not be required to attend dances. If they
do attend, their banners must be worn.
e. No more than two (2) judges may be from the same state. In
order for any individual to be considered as a judge for the NHSRA
Queen Contest, his/her resume and references must be on file in the
National Office 30 days prior to the Queen Committee Meeting in
January of the year, which they would judge the contest.
State/Province queen coordinators cannot judge the NHSRA Queen
f. The National Finals Queen Coordinator shall be a National
Director and the chairman of the Queen Committee as appointed by
the National President and approved by the National Board of
g. The Host State shall appoint a Queen Chairman to work in
cooperation with the National Queen Coordinator, as Queen Contest
h. Queen’s stall decorations will be limited to one sign or poster,
not to exceed 2’ X 2’.


I. Time Limit:
There will be a thirty (30) second time limit with optional one (1)
minute time limit at state/province rodeos. There will be a mandatory
thirty (30) second time limit at the National High School Finals
The judge will determine legitimate time allowed before contestant
calls for animal.
II. General Rules:
1. Contestant may change horses in team roping.
2. Roping Box — shall be a part of the arena during team roping.
3. Refer to page 120 for Score Line Diagram.
4. Once score line has been set in timed events, it will not be changed
in that go nor can length of box be changed.
5. Lap and Tap - no barrier to be used. If barrier judge is used to flag
the start, he shall flag the animal when animal’s nose crosses the
starting line.
6. The line judge must have a tape measure in his possession in case
the short end of the barrier is carried. The pigtail of the barrier should
not exceed 10 inches in length. A longer pigtail on a barrier will often
be carried when the barrier should have been broken. If the pigtail is
carried more than 10 feet from the pin, the barrier may be waived,
providing the contestant did not obviously beat the barrier. However,
if the contestant has obviously broken the barrier you may still
impose a beating- the-barrier penalty.
7. Should the barrier break at any point other than designated breaking
point, the decision is up to the barrier judge. If contestant obviously
beats the barrier, but the staples are pulled or barrier rope is
broken and string unbroken, barrier judge may assess a ten- second
fine. Otherwise, this will not be considered a broken barrier.
8. If automatic barrier does not work but time is recorded, team will
get time, but there will be no penalty for broken barrier.
9. If automatic barrier fails to work and official time has not started,

contestant will get stock back if stock is qualified on in the field, therefore,
entitling contestant to a rerun without penalties.
10. If automatic barrier fails to work, and stock is brought back, contestants
must take the same animal over during or immediately after
the same performance.
11. If barrier equipment hangs on animal and contestants try the animal,
they accept animal. If contestants pull up, they will receive the
same animal back.
12. Steer belongs to contestants when they call for it, regardless of
what happens with the following exceptions:
a. In any timed event, if an animal escapes from the arena, the
field judge will drop flag and all watches will be stopped. Contestant
will receive original animal back with a lap-and- tap start. Time
already accumulated will be added to time used to complete the qualifying
run. If time is not recorded, the contestant will receive a 10- second
penalty for any jump or any loop used.
b. In cases of mechanical failure.
c. If, in the opinion of the line judge, contestant is fouled by barrier,
contestants shall get their steer back, providing they declare themselves
by pulling up.
d. In case the field judge flags out a team that still legally has one
or more loops coming, the judge may give the same steer back, lap
and tap, plus time already lapsed and any barrier penalties. If time
was not recorded, the team will receive a 10- second penalty for any
loop used. Team to only get to use remaining loops.
13. A contestant must be on his/her horse and his/her horse must
break the plane of the barrier with his/her draw breaking the plane of
the score line before he/she is allowed to compete.
14. Time to be taken between two flags.
15. It shall be the arena director’s responsibility to see that contestants
compete on the stock drawn for them. In the event of a mistake, stock
drawn for must be run during that performance and only that time or
score taken.
16. This event shall not be conducted with an open catch pen gate at
any rodeo.
III. Event Rules:
1. This event is to be one event only. It may be entered as 2 boys, 2 girls,
or 1 boy and 1 girl on one team. Only four teams may qualify for
National High School Finals Rodeo, except for all ties for fourth position
2. Partners’ points shall be added together to form a team at
District/State/Province Finals. If either partner is disqualified, both
are out of team roping.
3. A dally team roper can only enter once at any rodeo with the part99
ner of his or her choice OPTIONAL AT STATE/PROVINCE LEVEL:
however, a team roping contestant with no partner may request a
partner be supplied as a drawn partner from a volunteer list of
entered team roping contestants. This option is available only three
times. Thereafter, the team roping contestant must enter with a partner.
No points will be awarded to the drawn partner. No drawn partners
will be allowed at State/Province Finals Rodeos. They must, however,
use the partner with which they qualified at the State/Province
Finals to enter the National High School Finals Rodeo, unless his or
her partner can not attend the National High School Finals Rodeo,
then he or she can pick a new partner, provided the new partner had
competed at their State/Province Finals in Team Roping.
4. All changes in lists of roping order to split horses, etc., must be made
before any stock for that event is loaded in chute.
5. After stock is loaded, ropers must rope in order listed.
6. Header will start behind barrier using either box, and must throw
the first loop at head.
7. Heeler must start from behind barrier line.
8. Time will be taken when steer is roped, both horses facing steer in
line with ropes dallied and tight, horse’s front feet must be on the
9. Each contestant will be allowed to carry only one rope.
10. Each team allowed three throws in all.
11. At the National High School Finals Rodeo only, a team can carry
only two loops in the first two go- rounds.
12. Roping steer without turning lose of the loop will be considered a
no catch.
13. Roper must dally to stop steer or change steer’s direction.
14. No tied ropes allowed.
15. The word “dally” means one complete turn around the horn.
16. Ropers must be mounted when time is taken.
17. Steer must be standing up when roped by head or heels.
18. No foul catches can be removed by hand.
19. If steer is roped by one horn, roper is not allowed to ride up and
put rope over other horn or head with his hands.
20. If the heeler ropes a front foot or feet in the heel loop, this is a foul
catch. Neither contestant may remove the front foot or feet from loop
by hand. However, should the front foot or feet come out of the heel
loop by the time the field judge drops his flag, time will be counted.
21. In case the field flag judge flags out a team that still legally has one
or more loops coming, the judge may give the same steer back lap and
tap, plus time already lapsed and any barrier penalty.
IV. Scoring and Penalties:
1. In order for time to be considered official, barrier flag must operate.

2. Timed event judge will not flag contestants out until time is recorded.
3. Judge is to flag time, then flag contestants out if run is not legal.
4. There will be a ten- second penalty assessed for breaking the barrier.
5. Roping steer without releasing loop from hand will disqualify
6. Contestants will be disqualified for any abusive treatment of steer
or their horses.
7. There will be only three (3) legal head catches:
a. Both horns.
b. Half a head.
c. Around the neck.
8. If hondo passes over one horn, the loop over the other, the catch is
9. If loop crosses itself in the head catch, it is illegal. This does not
include heel catches.
10. No rattling of chute. A timed event contestant may not have someone
rattle the chute for him/her. This applies in both the performance
and the slack. The contestant and/or person rattling the chute shall be
10. Any heel catch behind both shoulders is legal if rope goes up heels.
11. One hind foot receives five- second penalty.
12. The steer’s entire body must be turned and moving forward in tow
before the heel loop can be thrown. However, if the steer stops it must
only be in tow for the heel loop to be legal. Any heel loop thrown in the
switch is considered a crossfire and is illegal and will receive a no
13. Steer must not be handled roughly at any time, and ropers may be
disqualified if, in the opinion of the field judge, they have intentionally
done so.
14. In the event a team roper is disqualified or injured, that team will
be eliminated from that event.
15. If header accidentally jerks steer off his feet or steer trips or falls,
header must not drag steer over eight feet before steer regains his feet
or team will receive no score.
16. If any part of the pusher breaks the plain of the chute gate before
the steer releases the barrier, the contestant receives a no time.
17. Broken rope or dropped rope will be considered no time.
18. If the front foot is in the loop when the header dallies, turns off
and changes the direction of the steer, it will be an automatic no time.
19. Time should be taken with the average of two (2) times at all

V. Reruns:
1. In any timed event, if an animal escapes from the arena, flag will
be dropped and watches stopped. Contestant will get animal back
with lap and tap start, and time already spent will be added to time
used in qualifying plus barrier penalties, if any.
2. If rope is on animal, contestants will get animal Lap and Tap with
rope on it in chute.
3. No rerun will be given due to faulty or broken equipment furnished
by contestant.
4. If the judge sees he has made an error in flagging, he must declare
a rerun before the contestants leave the arena.
5. A steer must be rerun before it is used by another contestant.
6. When both the digital clocks malfunction and no time was recorded
from digital watches, if stock was qualified on in the field, contestant
will be given a rerun at a time designated by the Judges and the
Arena Director, plus any barrier penalties. If barrier penalties, then
lap and tap start.
7. If artificial horns are jerked off, contestants will receive rerun on
same steer, with no penalties other than barrier penalties.
8. In team roping, if an animal fails to break the neck rope and time
is officially started by the contestant, that animal belongs to the contestant.
However, if time is started by the animal and the header and
heeler remain behind the plain of the barrier for approximately 10
seconds that animal should be considered a sulking animal and
replaced using the misdraw procedure.
VI. Officials:
1. There shall be two or more timers, a field flag judge and a barrier
2. A field flag judge must ask contestants if they want a second loop.
Once contestants have been flagged out, they will receive no stock
3. Barrier judge is responsible to change barrier string whenever it
may have been weakened, or on request of next contestant.
4. Barrier judge shall keep a record of the length of the barrier trip
rope each performance to assure the same start for contestants, each
5. Barrier equipment must be inspected by the judge before each
timed event. If equipment is faulty, it must be replaced.
6. If barrier flagman is used, the animal is to be flagged when crossing
starting or deadline, in front of flagman.
7. Barrier judge shall be sure than nobody can stand close enough to
barrier or barrier equipment to tamper with same.
8. A tape must be on hand for the barrier judge to measure score line.
9. Height of barrier in timed events shall be from 32” to 36” measured

at the center of the box.
10. Adjusting length of barrier trip rope will be accomplished only by
tying knots in the rope on either end.
11. Any questions as to catches in this event will be decided by the
VII. Optional Rules:
1. At any rodeo in any roping event, State/Province Associations may
implement a ground rule limiting team ropers to one loop each roper.
Not to apply to State/Province or National Finals.
2. Electric timers are optional at State/Province level.